Wayang Golek, Traditional Java Entertainment Show

Wayang Golek (Puppet show) is one of the distinctive arts of Sunda land. In general, puppet show was traditionally made by residents of certain villages in West Java. Puppet show is currently more dominant as the folk performing arts, which has functions relevant to the environmental community’s needs, both spiritual and material needs.

That way we can see from some of the activities in the community such as when there are celebrations such as weddings and other, sometimes with puppet shows.

The origin of the puppet show is clearly not known because there is no complete information, whether written or oral. Attendance puppet show can not be separated from the Wayang Kulit puppet show because it is the development of Wayang Kulit. However, Salmun (1986) mentions that in the year 1583 AD Sunan Kudus make puppets out of wood which was then called the puppet show can be staged in the afternoon. In line with that Ismunandar (1988) mentions that in the early 16th century by Sunan Kudus make up ‘Puppet Purwo’ number of 70 pieces with a story accompanied by Gamelan Salendro Menak. Her performance done in the afternoon. This puppet does not need a screen. The shape resembles a doll made of wood (instead of leather as well as Wayang Kulit).

At first act in the puppet show is story banner called Wayang Golek Menak. It is said that this new puppet show there since Panembahan Queen (grandson of Sunan Gunung Jati 1540-1650). There (in the area of Cirebon) is called a transvestite or Wayang Golek Papak because the shape of his head flat. In the days of Prince Girilaya (1650-1662) equipped with a crew cut Puppet story taken from the Chronicle and the historical land of Java. Play-act that was delivered at that time revolved around the spread of Islam. Furthermore, the puppet show with the hero of Ramayana and Mahabharata (Marionette Puppet Purwa) who was born in 1840 (Somantri, 1988).

Birth puppet show initiated by Dalem Karang Anyar (Wiranata Koesoemah III) at the end of his post. It was Dalem ordered Ki Darman (Wayang Kulit Penyungging Tegal origin) who live in Cibiru, Edge Berung, to make a puppet out of wood. Puppets who made the original form of flat-shaped and patterned on the Wayang Kulit. However, on further development, at the instigation of Ki Darman create a rounded puppet show is not much different now with the puppet show. Priangan own in the area known in the early 19th century. Introduction of Sundanese people with puppet show possible since the opening of the highway that connects Daendels Priangan coast with mountainous. Original puppet show in Priangan using Java language. However, after the Sundanese clever, then the language used Sundanese. In addition, because the typical puppet show also often functioned as a unique souvenir of Sunda land.